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Where quick thinking, teamwork, and crime knowledge meet for an exciting, fast-paced challenge!



  • AGE: 16+

  • NUMBER: 3+ 



This game is created for youth workers and teachers to implement in their classrooms. This game helps teachers and educators get a feeling of their students' experiences during the week/month or even youth exchange. Each bingo card has some fun situations but also crimes which are most popular among youth. However, the cards can be customised for each classroom depending on the topics. 


To share experiences and think of the small things that can prevent crime. 

To develop teamwork skills.

To raise awareness about youth crimes.

To increase social inclusion.



Print out or draw out the bingo cards. The number of bingo cards should be equal to the number of students. Each card should be printed on both sides. One side – numbers, another – situations. 



1. Each player gets a bingo card

2. A number is drawn out and read aloud

3. Players check whether they have that number in their bingo cards.

4. If the situation is under that number is known to them- they experienced it or seen it, the players should cross it out.

5. Once a row or a column is crossed out completely, the player should shout bingo. 

6. The winner time should explain why they crossed each situation out. If it is a crime, they should suggest prevention methods.


1st SIDE:


1st SIDE:

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 6.24.14 PM.png

2snd SIDE:

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 6.24.28 PM.png

1. Watch the sunrise  

2. Graffiti  

3. Receive a gift from a secret friend

4. Stay up all night  

5. Robbery  

6. Cyberbullying  

7. Go swimming at the beach  

8. Underage drinking  

9. Walk around the old town  

10. Sexual Harassment

11. Public disturbance  

12. Dance a traditional dance

13. Vandalism  

14. Try other countries food 

15. Petty theft  

16. Karaoke

17. Drug use  

18. Visit 3 different beaches 

19. Shoplifting 

 20. Watch the sunrise  

21. Burglary attempt  

22. Hang out by the pool 

23. Go for a run 

24. Smoking in prohibited areas  

25. Being late

26. Stargaze at the beach  

27. Possession of stolen goods  

28. Take photos of street art  

29. Littering  

30. Vape 

31. Created a group project

32. Drug possession for personal use  

33. Visit a historic landmark  

34.  Coffee break   

35. Watch street performers  

36. Breaking into a car  



37. Minor vandalism (breaking a window)  

38. Identity theft

39. Intoxication in public  

40. Explore the city streets  

41. Fake ID use  

42. Reckless driving

43. Fighting in public  

44. Walk along the beach

45. Shoplifting  

46. Take a scenic walk  

47.  Buy a souvenir

48. Get a gift from a secret friend

49. Trespassing on private property  

50.  Compliment


The escape room challenge, crafted through the ActionBound app, is designed as a thrilling

interactive experience where participants take on the role of detectives to solve a fictional

crime. The primary objective is to answer questions about various countries—Latvia,

Lithuania, Spain, Romania, Serbia, Cyprus, and North Macedonia—to gather clues. Each

correct answer not only tests the players’ knowledge but also rewards them with essential

hints that guide them closer to unveiling the identity of a mysterious murderer. The game’s

premise emphasizes logical reasoning, teamwork, and problem-solving, making it an

engaging way to learn about different countries and test critical thinking skills. The escape

room is set against a backdrop of suspense, with participants introduced to a crime scenario

that has left everyone puzzled. A murder has taken place, and the only clues left behind are

scattered across different geographical and cultural references tied to the seven countries

involved in the game. This immersive atmosphere pulls participants in from the start, with

detailed storytelling elements, mystery sound effects, and vivid descriptions that enhance the

crime scene experience. The international aspect of the questions adds a layer of intrigue,

making participants feel like they are gathering clues from across Europe to solve the crime.


Participants are divided into teams and guided through the ActionBound app, where they will

encounter questions related to each of the seven countries. Each country represents a level

or checkpoint in the game, and only by correctly answering the question related to that

country can the team advance. Every time they answer correctly, a hint is revealed, which

may contain information about the murder, such as the suspect's traits, possible motives, or

crime scene details. The hints are crucial for piecing together the mystery, as each one

brings the participants closer to identifying the murderer. Teams must follow the app's

sequence, ensuring fair play and a cohesive storyline. Each question is designed to reveal

interesting facts about the respective countries, from history and crime prevention efforts to

cultural insights. For instance, participants might be asked about cybercrime issues in

Cyprus, organized crime history in Romania, or unique legal cases in Spain. These

questions challenge players’ knowledge while providing educational content that enriches

the experience. The variety of questions also keeps the game dynamic, as each country’s

question introduces a new aspect of European culture and law enforcement. The questions

are strategically balanced to be challenging but accessible, ensuring participants remain

engaged without feeling overwhelmed.


With each correct answer, teams are awarded a hint that could include specific details

about the suspect—such as their physical appearance, background, potential motive, or alibi.

These hints are designed to encourage deductive reasoning, as players must piece together

various fragments to create a coherent profile of the murderer. By accumulating hints,

participants will gradually narrow down the list of suspects and get closer to the solution.

This structure adds a layer of strategy to the game, as participants must weigh each hint

carefully and discuss among their team members to build a theory about the murderer's

identity. As the teams reach the final country and answer the last question, they receive the

final hint needed to complete the profile of the murderer. At this stage, they are given a

limited time to review all their collected hints, discuss their suspicions, and submit their

guess for who they believe the murderer is. This grand finale builds excitement and

suspense as each team makes their final deduction. The ActionBound app then reveals the

solution, offering a dramatic ending to the escape room experience. Whether they succeed

in identifying the murderer or not, participants walk away with a sense of accomplishment,

having explored diverse topics while solving a fictional crime in a unique, engaging way.

Game Goal

The objective of the game is for a player to have their partners guess the type of crime on the player's card without using the word itself or 3 - 5 additional words listed on the card. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Materials Needed

  • Taboo Cards: Each card has a target word and 3 - 5 related "taboo" words that players cannot use when giving clues.

  • Timer: A timer to limit the time for each turn.

  • Bell: Used to indicate when a player says a taboo word by mistake.

  • Score Pad: To keep track of team scores.

  • Pen/Pencil: For tallying points.

  • Teams: At least two teams with 2 or more players each.

Playing a Turn:

● One player from Team A draws a card and tries to describe the target word to their teammates without using any of the listed taboo words.

● The describer cannot use any gestures, sounds, or parts of the target word as hints.

● Team B has a player monitoring the describer. If the describer accidentally says a taboo word, Team B’s player buzzes them, and the card is discarded.


● Each turn lasts about 1 minute (or as set by the players).

● The team guesses as many words as possible within the time limit.


● If Team A correctly guesses a word, they earn 1 point.

● If the describer says a taboo word or skips a card, Team B earns 1 point.

● The turn ends when the timer runs out, and play passes to the next team.


● The game continues until each team has played an equal number of rounds, or for a predetermined number of rounds.

● The team with the highest score at the end of all rounds wins.


● Starting age 10 years old

● No Root Words: The describer cannot use any part of the target word. For instance, if the word is "swimming," the describer can’t say "swim."

● No Sound Effects or Gestures: The describer must rely only on verbal clues and can’t make noises, gestures, or mime to get the team to guess.



  • Ana 

  • Anastasija

  • Esperanza

  • Raluca 

  • Andreas 


  • Where did it happen? ( place ) 

  • Conference room 

  • By the pool 

  • In the bathroom 

  • Stairs room of participants 

  • Suspects: Who

  • Kyriakos 

  • Kosta 

  • Lidija 

  • Kate

  • Andreas 

  • Alin 

  • Mario

  • Nicholas 

  • Kyriakos 

  • Geri

  • With what? – weapon 

  • Tool

  • Gun

  • Trophy 

  • Knife 

  • Electric saw 

  • Poison

  • Scissor

  • Rope

  • Anastasia’s nails 

  • Chandelier




·  Explain the Rules:
Tell everyone that the goal is to figure out who committed the "murder," what weapon was used, and where it happened. Players do this by asking each other questions, moving between rooms, and making guesses.

·  Set the Scene:
Begin with a dramatic introduction about the crime—describe the “victim,” how they were found, and tell players that they need to solve the mystery.

·  Movement:

Option 1: Use a die to decide how many rooms players can move at a time.

Option 2: Let players move freely between rooms whenever they're ready, for a simpler approach.

  • Reveal Clues: Throughout the game, drop clues or mini-hints in certain rooms or have "witnesses" (either players or helpers) reveal certain pieces of information.

  • Make Accusations: Allow players to make formal accusations once they feel confident. If a player makes a wrong accusation, you might want to eliminate them or give them a minor penalty, depending on your rules.

  • Dramatic Reveal: Announce the culprit and recap the mystery's storyline. Celebrate the winner(s) and debrief the game to discuss everyone’s theories, guesses, and moments of suspense.

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